Enw’r llun gwreiddiol yma yw’r ‘Die Pleite’ sef: y methdalwyr. Mae’r llun gwreiddiol o Ebert a’r Reichswehrminister Noske yn nofio mewn dŵr ar eu hamser bant. Cafodd eu defnyddio i ddangos rheolwyr newydd yr Almaen gan fod pawb yn eu casáu a nid oedd gan unrhywun parch tuag ato.Cafodd y llun eu cyhoeddu yn 1919 ond roedd pobl yn creu fersinau ohono lan tuag at y 1925au. Cafodd y fersiwn yma eu harlunio yn 1923 gan Wieland Herzfelde, George Grosz a John Hartfield. Cafodd y llun eu hysbrydoli gan y nifer o bobl wnaeth Ebert lladd gan lofnodi’r termau Versailles, credodd taw marw, dioddef a anhapusrwydd achosodd er nad oedd yr Almaen mynd i ennill y rhyfel. Fel eich gallwn gweld mae’r ddau mewn pwll o gwaed efo rhannau o cyrff yn arnofio. Mae’r llun yn darllen: ‘Yn fuan ni fydd angen dillad nofio’.
Roedd gan yr Almaenwyr
ddim parch o gwbl tuag at y gyfraith newydd a bydd nhw byth yn meddwl am creu
cartwns am y ‘Kaiser’ er ei fod wedi adael y wlad mewn ddarnau ar ol i
Hindenburg a Ludendorff wedi ei berswadio. Gall yr Almaenwyr creu yr holl
catrwns a oedd eisiau am y gyfraith Weimar gan nid oedd yn eu ofni o gwbl a
roedd yn gwybod doedd ddim pwer enfawr dros y bobl, ddim pwer fel cafodd y
The origional name of
this picture is ‘Die Pleite’ which
translates as :The bankrupt. The picture is of Ebert and Noske ,the
Reichswehrminister, swimming on their time off. The picture was used to show
Germany their new goverment because the Weimar goverment had already lost
Germany’s trust and respect by signing the terms of Versailles. The picture was
first shown in 1919 but people continued to create versions up untill the late
1925s. This version was drawn in 1923 by Wieland Herzfelde, George Grosz and
John Hartfield. The picture was inspired by the many people that the Weimar
goverment condemed by signing the agreement of Versailles, although Germany
were never going to win the war at this stage. The picture reads:’Soon there
will be no need for swimwear’. As you can see they are wallowing in a pool full
of blood with body parts floating on the surface.
Germany had no respect
towards the new goverment and they would never have dreamt of creating
offensive cartoons towards the Kaiser even though he left the country in tatters
after being persuaded to leave by Hindenburg and Ludendorff. Germany could make
as many cartoons and offensive remarks about Weimar because nobody feared them
and they had no control over its people, no control like the Kaiser had.