Yn y blwyddyn 1763, roedd y trefedigaethau (Colonies) gwreiddiol Americanaidd o dan reolaeth gormesol yr Ymerodraeth Prydeinig. Gan ymateb i’r niferoedd o drethi yn codi, a’r ffaith nad oedd gan unrhyw person Prydeinig-Americanaidd unrhyw llais yn y Senedd Prydeinig, Dechreuodd tyngdra cynyddu. Erbyn 1773, dechreuodd y pobl ymateb nôl i Brydain trwy rym arfau. Ar y 16fed o Rhagfyr 1773, digwyddodd y weithred swyddogol cyntaf o wrthryfela yn erbyn yr Ymerodraeth. O dan swyddogaeth yr “Sons of Liberty”, o dan prif arweiniad Samuel Adams a Paul Revere, roedd pobl Boston (un o’r dinasoedd mwyaf poblogaidd trefedigaethol ar y pryd) roeddyn nhw wedi torri mewn i’r harbwr llongau Prydeinig, ac wedyn aeth ymlaen i taflu dros 340 o bocses o dail tê. Roedd hyn yn ffordd symbolaidd o ddweud na byddai Prydain byth eto yn rheoli America.
O ganlyniad i’r digwyddiad, roedd yr “Sons of Liberty” yn parhau i dinistrio rheol yr Prydeinwyr o dan rheolaeth Adams. Hefyd, o ganlyniad i’r weithredoedd, roedd Pedwar o’r prif gytrefi wedi uno yn arfau yn erbyn y Prydeinwyr. Ar y 17fed o Mehefin 1775, digwyddodd y frwydr a oeddd wedi ffurfio America. Hyn oedd y Brwydr am Bunker Hill. O dan rheolaeth Israel Putnam a Doctor Joseph Warren ac eraill, rheolodd dros 2,000 o gwladychwyr Americanaidd yn erbyn dros 3,000 o filwyr Prydeinig. Roedd yr Sons of Liberty wedi creu byncr tu allan i waliau Charesltown, Massachusettes. O ganlyniad, hyn oedd blw cafodd y brwydr ei enw haeddiannol. Collodd yr Americanwyr lot fawr o filwyr, er collodd dros 450 o ddynion. Ond ar y llaw arall, er cafodd yr Americanwyr y tir uwchaf, cafodd yr Prydeinwyr anafusion enfawr. Er collodd dros 1,000 o filwyr a cafodd ei ladd. Roedd y frwydr hefyd yn stondin terfynol John Pitcairn. Cafodd pistolau Pitcairn ei rhoi i Putnam.
Mae hanes y Sons of Liberty dal i fyw yn lle angenrheidiol hanes yr Unol Daleithiau, gan ei fod yn rhoi ffordd i'r Fyddin Gyfandirol, a ffurfiwyd gan y tadau sefydlu (John Hancock, Samuel Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Eraill) yn y Datganiad Annibyniaeth ar 4ydd Gorffennaf 1776. Felly, cafodd genedl newydd ei eni.
The year was 1765, and the thirteen
original American colonies were under the grip of the oppressive British
Colonial Empire. Outraged at the rises in taxation, and the fact that no
British-American citizen had a say in Parliament, tensions began to grow, and
by 1773, the masses began their march. On the 16th of December 1773,
the first official act of rebellion occurred. Under the leadership of the Sons
of Liberty, led by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere, the men of Boston (one of the
most populated colonial cities at the time) infiltrated the British shipping harbour,
and proceeded to dump over 340 crates of tea leaves. This symbolically marked
that the British would never again rule America.
In response to the Incident, The Sons of Liberty continued to
plague British America under the command of Adams, though his actions soon
united four of the main colonies in arms against the British. On the 17th
of June 1775, the battle that formed America occurred. This was the Battle of
Bunker Hill. Under the command of Israel Putnam and Doctor Joseph Warren among
others, a force of over 2,000 American Colonists united against a force of over
3,000 fully armed British soldiers. The Sons of Liberty held a makeshift bunker
outside the walls of Charlestown, Massachusetts. Thus, the battle obtained its
well-deserved name. The Sons suffered heavy losses, as over 450 men were killed
during the battle. But as the Sons obtained the higher ground, the British
suffered immense casualties, as over 1,000 soldiers were shot and killed at the
summit. The battle was also the final stand of one John Pitcairn. Pitcairn’s
pistols were presented to General Putnam.
The story of the Sons of Liberty still holds a well-deserved
place in American history, as it gave way to the Continental Army, which was
formed by the founding fathers (John Hancock, Samuel Adams, George Washington,
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Others) at the Declaration of Independence on
the 4th of July 1776. Thus, a new nation was born.
Luke Walters 13G